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Shop rules

§ 1. General provisions

1. These Regulations set out the general conditions for submitting Orders and concluding Sales and Electronic Services in the Online Store owned by ZDOLNI Sp. Z o.o. Based in Poznań (61-823) at ul. Piekary 24, entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0001008680, NIP: 7831870552, REGON: 523941976.
2. The Rules of Procedure shall specify, in particular, the scope and conditions for the provision of services by way of
Electronic and rules for concluding, performing and terminating contracts, rules for making payments, method of filing and handling complaints as well as the rights and obligations of the customer and seller.
3. The regulations are available on the website of the store: In a way that allows it to be read and fixed freely.
4. In matters not covered by these Rules, they shall apply
Applicable provisions of Polish law, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code and the provisions governing the rights and obligations of the consumer.
§ 2. Definitions

1. The concepts used in the Rules of Procedure mean:

A. Price-numerical value, placed next to the product offered,
Indicating the amount that the customer should pay to purchase the product,
Determined as a gross price, not taking into account the cost of delivery
Products. Prices are expressed in PLN and include tax on
VAT goods and services;
B. Customer-a natural person, having full capacity for activities
Legal person or organisational unit which is not a person
Legal provisions of which specific provisions grant legal capacity, which
Makes the Order as part of the Online Store;
C. Discount code-an individual string of characters, entitling its holder
(Customer) to receive a one-time discount on Products located
In the offer of the Online Store, in the amount and during the specified period
By the Seller;

D. Consumer-a natural person who is a consumer within the meaning of Art. 22 1
Of the Civil Code;
E. Product-products available in the Online Store, which are the subject of the Sales Agreement;
F. Regulations-this document;
G. Online Store-an online store owned by the Company
REDUCTIONS Z o.o. Based in Poznań (61-823) at ul. 24 Piekary,
Entered in the National Court Register kept by the Court
District Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, Department VIII
Economic of the National Court Register under the number of the National Court Register:
0001008680, NIP: 7831870552, REGON: 523941976, led at
Website ;
H. Seller-ZDOLNI Sp. Z o.o. Based in Poznań (61-823) at ul.
Piekary 24, entered in the National Court Register, kept
By the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, Department
VIII Economic Register of the National Court Register under the number of the National Court Register:
I. Sales contract-sales contract within the meaning of the Code
Civil, concluded at a distance between the Seller and the Customer;
J. Order-Customer's declaration of will, aimed directly at
Conclusion of the Sales Agreement, specifying in particular the type and number of
§ 3. General conditions of service

1. Services are provided by means of a universally accessible Internet network 7 days a week, 24 hours a day except necessary for the correct
The functioning of technical interruptions.
2. Using the Online Store and placing Orders is available to every Internet user who has devices that allow you to play the content of the website without the need to register.
3. Access to the Online Store is free of charge. Customer bears related fees
With Internet access and data transmission according to the tariff of its Internet service provider.
4. The Customer undertakes to comply with the Regulations and to
Refrain from taking illegal actions that may disrupt or damage the functioning of the Online Store.
5. Before starting to use the Online Store, in particular before placing the Order, the Customer is obliged to read the terms of the Regulations and the privacy policy available on the website of the Store.

6. The customer has the opportunity to join the Seller's Newsletter. Joining the Seller's Newsletter means the Customer's consent to regular
Receiving commercial information from the Seller via e-mail. In order to successfully join the Seller's Newsletter, you must enter a valid email address or mark the appropriate field in the Order form. The customer may at any time choose not to participate in the Seller's Newsletter.
§ 4. Conclusion of the Sales Agreement

1. The conclusion of the Sales Agreement is preceded by the placing of the Order.
2. It is necessary to fill in the order effectively
Order form, accept the Regulations and privacy policy of the Online Store and pay payment for the ordered Products.
3. If the Customer uses the option of receiving the Order in person, after checking the appropriate clause in the form, the payment can be made immediately before the receipt of the Order.
4. In order to place the Order effectively, it is necessary to provide data enabling the identification of the contracting authority.
5. The payment is paid when the payment is credited to the bank account of the Seller.
6. Payment can be made as follows:

A. online via PayPal or Przelewy24 payment gateway, in case of
Customer use the shipping service Orders;
B. in cash, at the time of receipt of the Order, in case of use
By the Client of the option of personal reception;

7. The sales contract is concluded at the time of effective placing of the Order
And receipt by the Customer of confirmation of acceptance of the Order for execution.
8. The place where the Sales Agreement is concluded is the seat of the Seller.
9. The Seller confirms the receipt of the Order for execution by sending the appropriate information to the Customer's email address provided when placing the Order.
10. If the Order cannot be completed by the Seller due to the lack of all or some of the ordered Products, the Seller is obliged to immediately inform the Customer about the impossibility of performing the Agreement. In such a situation

Both Parties have the right to withdraw from the Agreement in whole or in part.
In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement by either Party, the Seller
Within 3 days of sending the Customer a statement of withdrawal or receipt of such a statement, it shall return to the Customer the amount paid by him, and in the case of only partial withdrawal from the Agreement, the amount paid by payment for unavailable Products.

§ 5. Implementation of the order

1. The Order is completed within a maximum of 4 working days from the date on which the Order was successfully placed.
2. The execution of the Order is understood as the preparation of a consignment containing
Ordered Products and delivery for service to the relevant entity,
Providing courier services or preparing the parcel and sending it to the Customer
Information that the Order is ready to receive.
3. If the Order cannot be performed by the Seller due to the lack of all or some of the Orders, the Seller is obliged to immediately inform the Customer of the impossibility of performing the Agreement and has the right to withdraw from the Agreement in full or in part. In such a case, the Seller shall, within 3 days of sending the relevant information to the Customer, return to the Customer the amount paid by him, and in the case of only partial withdrawal from the Agreement, the amount paid by payment for unavailable Products.
4. The seller delivers the ordered Products to the Customer by sending them through the entities providing courier services. The delivery time depends on the regulations of the entity offering courier services. The seller is not responsible for delays resulting from the action or omissions of such an entity.
5. Before concluding the Sales Agreement, the Seller informs the Customer about the expected time and cost of delivery.
6. The cost of delivery of the Products is fully charged to the Customer. If the Customer makes an Order whose value exceeds PLN 200, the delivery costs are covered by the
The seller.
7. If the Customer uses the option of receiving the Order in person, the Products are delivered by transferring them to the Customer at the Seller's premises, i.e. In Poznań (61-823) at ul. Piekary 24. Personal pickup of the Order is available 7 days a week from 12:00 to 20:00.

8. The customer is obliged to check the contents of the shipment at the time of receipt
In the presence of an employee of the courier company or an employee of the Seller. Checking the shipment should include checking whether the shipment has been damaged during transport and whether its contents are in line with the content of the order.
9. The shipment is delivered together with a fiscal document, which confirms the conclusion of the Agreement and payment. The customer may receive a VAT invoice for the order placed. To this end, it is necessary to notify the need for a VAT invoice in the form when placing the Order in advance.
10. If the Customer does not collect the parcel within the prescribed period, the package is returned to the Seller. In this case, the cost of the shipment and its return shall be borne in full by the Customer.
§ 6. Right of withdrawal from the Agreement

1. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement concluded at a distance in
14 days from the date of receipt of the order, without giving the reason for withdrawal.
2. The right to withdraw from the Agreement does not apply to Products whose packaging has been infringed, in particular as regards Products whose packaging has been opened.
3. Withdrawal from the Agreement occurs by submitting a statement by the Customer
Of withdrawal from the Agreement in the form of an e-mail message, sent to:
4. In case of successful withdrawal from the Agreement by the Customer, the Customer is obliged to return any Products received from the Seller and the Seller
Is obliged to refund the payment paid by the Customer.
5. Return of the Products must be made within 14 days from the date of submission of the declaration of withdrawal. The seller shall refund the amount of payment to the Customer within 14 days from the date of receipt of the refund.
6. The payment is refunded in the form in which the payment was made.

§ 7. Complaints

1. The Seller is obliged to provide the Customer Products without any defects and in accordance with the content of the offer presented on the Seller's website.
2. If the Customer finds non-compliance of the product received
With the order or if the product defects are found, the customer has the right
Filing a complaint on the terms specified in the provisions of the Civil Code.
3. Any complaints should be reported in writing to the Seller's email address: contact @
4. The content of the complaint should indicate the data of the Ordering Authority, the order number and the defects of the Product, which constitute the basis for the complaint, should be specified. The customer is obliged to attach photos of the advertised products, indicating defects.
5. Complaints are considered by the Seller within 14 days from the date of receipt of the e-mail with the content of the complaint.
6. The Seller will inform the Customer by e-mail about the handling of the complaint.
7. Claiming under the warranty for defects in Products, are considered on the basis of
Concerning the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
8. In case of positive consideration of the complaint, the defective Product should be immediately returned to the Seller at his expense.
9. In relation to customers who are not entitled to consumer status, liability under the warranty for defects in the Product is excluded.

§8. Promotions and Discount Codes

1. The seller reserves the right to introduce and cancel offers, promotions and changes in the prices of Products in the Online Store. The introduction and cancellation of offers, promotions and changes in the prices of the Products are without prejudice to the previously acquired rights of the Customer, in particular, they do not affect the Sales Agreements concluded before the amendment.
2. The seller reserves the right to introduce Discount Codes, which entitle you to a one-time discount on Products
In the offer of the Online Store.
3. Promotions, Discount codes and special offers are not amenable. This means that each time, when placing an Order, the Customer may use only one Discount Code, one promotion or one special offer.

4. In order to take advantage of the Discount Code, promotion or special offer, it is necessary to enter the relevant data in the Order form in the place intended for it.
5. The right to use the Discount Code does not depend on the value of the Order.
6. The discount code is not subject to exchange for cash or change for any other benefit than the discount on Products included in the offer of the Online Store.
§ 9. Personal data

1. The administrator of personal data is Spółka ZDOLNI Sp. Z o.o. Based in Poznań (61-823) at ul. Piekary 24, entered into the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0001008680, NIP: 7831870552, REGON: 523941976.
2. The collected data is processed only for the purpose of the execution of the Order
And the correct execution of the Agreement. The provision of personal data is voluntary,
However, necessary for the proper execution of the Agreement.
3. The customer has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data at any time. In order to withdraw the consent given, the Customer should submit
Towards the Seller a statement with appropriate content.
4. Personal data will be stored only for the period necessary for the execution of the Order and the proper performance of the Agreement, including for the handling of complaints and in cases specified in detail in the Privacy Policy.
5. Additional information on the processing of personal data and privacy is specified in the Privacy Policy, available on the Seller's website.
§ 10. Final Provisions

1. All disputes arising from the activities of the Online Store, including the conclusion and implementation of the Sales Agreement, as well as the consideration of complaints, are examined by the court competent for the Seller's seat.
2. In the event of a dispute arising from the conclusion and implementation of the Agreement
Sales, as well as in connection with the handling of the complaint, the Parties will seek an amicable and out-of-court settlement of the dispute.

3. The seller reserves the right to make changes to this
Regulaminu. The Seller informs you by e-mail about the change of the Regulations
Users who joined the Seller Newsletter.
4. The provisions of the Regulations in the version in force on the date of submission of the Order shall apply to the Agrements concluded before the date of amendment of the Regulations.


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